To add images to the gallery follow the below steps:

Step 1: Login into Mobiconnect with the Admin/Owner credential and select your project.

Step 2: Navigate to the gallery page by clicking on the gallery menu and clicking on the created gallery.

Step 3: click on the New button to add an image.

Step 4: Upload the image and enter the image name, and description, and select status from the drop-down.

Note that select the image status according to your selection.
if you choose pending then the image will be visible in the pending section or
if you choose approved then the image will be visible in the approved section or
if you choose rejected then the image will be visible in rejected section.

Step 5: click on the Add button.

you can add multiple images in the gallery.
and you can also change the status of the image by doing hover over the image and clicking on the status.