To integrate Stripe into the project in Mobiconnect, follow the below steps:

Note: Only the project Owner can integrate Third party apps to Mobiconnect projects.

Step 1: Login into Mobiconnect with the Owner credential and select your project.

Step 2: Navigate to the Integrations page by clicking on the Settings menu.

Step 3: Once you are redirected to the Integrations page click on the Enable button of Stripe.

Note: If you don't have Stripe account then create it by clicking on the Don't have account? signup here.

Step 4: Once you click on the "Enable" button, an "API Integration" window pops up. Allows you to add the API key.

Note: You will get API Key from your Stripe account and Use secret key for your stripe.

Step 5: After entering all the details click on the Submit button.

Note: When you click on the Submit button then Stripe intergration will be done with your project and you will recieve a confirmation message on the screen and Once stripe integration is done, then integrated Stripe will be used in payment and bills.

Step 6: You can also disable the Stripe integration by clicking on the Disable button.