To integrate Twilio into the project in Mobiconnect, follow the below steps:

Note: Only the project Owner can integrate Third party apps to Mobiconnect projects.

Step 1: Login into Mobiconnect with the Owner credential and select your project.

Step 2: Navigate to the Integrations page by going to setting section and General tab.

Step 3: Once you are redirected to the Integrations page click on the Enable button of Twilio.

Note: If you don't have Twilio account then create it by clicking on the Don't have account? signup here.

Step 4: Once you click on the "Enable" button, an "API Integration" window pops up. Allows you to add the SID, Token, and From Number, and click on the "Enable Mobiddiction Twilio Integration" checkbox.

Note: You will get SID and Token from your Twilio account.

Step 5: After entering all the details click on the Submit button.

Note: When you click on the Submit button then Twilio intergration will be done with your project and you will recieve a confirmation message on the screen and Once Twilio integration is done, project's owner will receive SMS notifications from the registered number.

Step 6: You can also disable the Twilio integration by clicking on the Disable button.