These are some simple steps that can get you started with Mobiconnect. Follow these steps to sign up in Mobiconnect with your Google account.
Step 1: Visit the Mobiconnect URL.
Step 2: Click on the Sign Up with Google button.
Step 3: Enter your google account Email and click on the Next button.
Note : You can only enter registered Email of google account in the Email field.
Step 4: Enter your google account password and click on the Next button.
Step 5: Click on Confirm button if you want to sign in with entered email id.
When you click on the confirm button then you will receive a message that you registered successfully in Mobiconnect, And If You didn't receive any email then click on Resend button.
Step 6: If you received the Confirmation email then Confirm your Email ID.
Note: When you click on "Confirm Email" button then you will be redirected to the MobiconneLogin page.