Invite a USER to your project or company in Mobiconnect.
To invite users into your project or company follow the below steps:
Step 1: Go to the "Users" feature of Mobiconnect.
Step 2: Click on the "Invite User" button.
Step 3: Enter the user's Email and select Access Level for the user.
Note: The entered email should be a valid email ID as they will need to set up their own details to sign up and join.
Step 4: Click on the Add button.
Note: When the user clicks on the Add button then the user will receive an invite email containing the Project name and Temporary Password. To sign into the application invited users have to confirm the email, By clicking on Confirm email link.
if the user didn't confirm the email, then their status in Mobiconnect will be seen as"Invite Pending". You can resend the invite to that user from the list view.